What have you been up to lately?

I have been visiting.

Visiting important people in my life. You know it is hard to take the long distance deal but I did. If you're young I could recomend this but there is a time in your life where taking this deal is chronoside.

Theres bound to be a lot of fireworks this week. I imagine there will be some pretty good shows going on. Fireworks have always been a means of connection for so many people and my family is included in that.

My Grandpa used to make fireworks and we'de have shows in our back yard

Some of my favorite fireworks are the one's that whistle, the ones that have those shimmering trails, the ones that gently fall back down.

The thump when you're close to the launch site.

Hot dogs hamburgers. I usually have both. Grilling outdoors is such a good time. 懐かしい

My Dog has a terrible fear of Fireworks

I wont be with her or the rest of my family. I wont see my gf. My friends are miles away. It can be fun to be on your own, you can do whatever you want to do. Sometimes you miss those you care about.

Times like this make you reflect on what things you hold most dear. I will be trying to enjoy myself even when I'm alone. Life is what you make it.

Theres this bitch at work who is basically making me do her work for her. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I think I'm going to send her the same data again but in xcel and she'll think I did a bunch of work.

What a loser. They should fire her she constantly doesn't understand things in meetings and seems generally incompotent.

Have a happy 4th of July!