I'm just annoyed with how big tech companies have been treating people. They have been abusing their users and the law for too long.

I just saw that Google is feeding all your web history into their AI model. What a betrayal of their users. Google isn't alone in this.

Facebook has conducted psychological expirements on their users. They admited it and showed that they have been designing their algorythms to make people angry.

There was maybe more I wanted to do with this post but, I kind of figure people can easily find information online about all the abuses of big tech.

My personal goal has been to remove big tech from my life as best I can.

I got rid of social media off my phone. I don't scroll Reddit or Twitter. There has to be a better way to engage on the internet.

You can't get rid of everything tho. Big tech has ensured that they can insert themselves into your life. Everyone has a cell phone and big tech controls that.

Apple owns all your data from your Iphone and Google owns Android. Some open source on Android exists but theres no way they aren't backdooring that shit whenever they can.

Samsung controls the South Korean government.

Huawei and TikTok contribute to your social credit score that will be used to punish you when China takes over the US. (This is a conspiracy theory but one that could totally happen)

Anyway, I just wanted to talk about this stuff somewhere. This website is part of my overall project to redefine how I use the internet. Now I have an anonymous place to post whatever I want. I can find new people through the Neocities site and I don't have to have companies trying to make me angry so that they can make more money off me.

I have started following blogs and sites with RSS so that I can pick and choose what I see online.

Rediscovering the personal web has been a breath of fresh air for me. There is so much I want to do.

I hope I can maintain my motivation to work on this site. Sometimes I just lose all interest and it becomes so hard to get anything done.

I have to keep in mind this is a long term project and that it will gradually change into what I want it to by the end.